Friday, May 11, 2012
Why is so much in your life determined by a couple of letters and numbers. These two markings are the two biggest factors and influences in where you will go to college, what societies and groups you may get in, and probably your career. This is were I think colleges and schools have the wrong idea in that it is not the number at the top of your paper but the knowledge you have gained during the time building up before that actually matters. This may be easier then having long period conversations and talk with each applicant but may be the only way you get to truly know the person. Schools all over America inflate their grades also to gain more money, attention, and a false reputation but that is another issue for another time. Even the student has adopted this mindset of focusing on the number and not the knowledge being attained. People now have gotten into the routine of memorization and not gaining understanding of a new concept or idea. This may earn you an A for the time being but does nothing for you in the long run.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Way of Living
I just whated to talk a little more about the human's approach to everyday life. This is an interesting concept that brings all sorts of thoughts like why am
I even sitting in a place with a bunch of homo-homosapiens writing about this on this technological device that you are probably looking at too. Every decision we make shows our character and is a reflection of our personality. Everyone develops a guiding means that they live by because they think it is either right, moral, or just what everyone else does. Humans have adapted a way of living and have created this " daily schedule" that you are supposed to live by in order to be considered a normal person. You mainly develop your character and way of living based on your surroundings. Since most are only exposed to humans their whole life then they just follow their action and the process continues for the next generations. "The Way of Living" is a human way to identify how one approaches their everyday lives. This human created lifestyle may or may not be the true way to live, but it is just what has become accustomed to us. Usually people grow up in a household, go to a school, then another school, have some fun here and there, get a job, work for a while, retire, then there physical body departs. Now I am not saying this is nessacarily a bad way of living but is just interesting to think about how this approach of daily life came into swing.
I even sitting in a place with a bunch of homo-homosapiens writing about this on this technological device that you are probably looking at too. Every decision we make shows our character and is a reflection of our personality. Everyone develops a guiding means that they live by because they think it is either right, moral, or just what everyone else does. Humans have adapted a way of living and have created this " daily schedule" that you are supposed to live by in order to be considered a normal person. You mainly develop your character and way of living based on your surroundings. Since most are only exposed to humans their whole life then they just follow their action and the process continues for the next generations. "The Way of Living" is a human way to identify how one approaches their everyday lives. This human created lifestyle may or may not be the true way to live, but it is just what has become accustomed to us. Usually people grow up in a household, go to a school, then another school, have some fun here and there, get a job, work for a while, retire, then there physical body departs. Now I am not saying this is nessacarily a bad way of living but is just interesting to think about how this approach of daily life came into swing.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Reality or Illusion?
Has the question ever striked you of: " What am I actually seeing and is what I'm seeing really true?" This question has brought great thought upon me and here are some of my thounghts on this.
Vision. What is Vision? "Visual perception is the ability to interpret information and surroundings from the effects of visible light reaching the eye." This raises hundreds of questions regarding the visual world. When you look at the world around you, are you ever actually seeing it? This brings the point that you are only seeing the perceived light reflecting off the objects. This suggests that you never see the true world, only the light it reflects into your eyes and your brain. This also introduces a new question of: "Is my brain producing the true and correct image?" This also brings the question of: "What is true?" Sense you only get one perspective of the world your whole life, then you have no chance to see what the other man may see. All of these questions have been asked for centuries, and the truth is that they may never be answered.
Vision. What is Vision? "Visual perception is the ability to interpret information and surroundings from the effects of visible light reaching the eye." This raises hundreds of questions regarding the visual world. When you look at the world around you, are you ever actually seeing it? This brings the point that you are only seeing the perceived light reflecting off the objects. This suggests that you never see the true world, only the light it reflects into your eyes and your brain. This also introduces a new question of: "Is my brain producing the true and correct image?" This also brings the question of: "What is true?" Sense you only get one perspective of the world your whole life, then you have no chance to see what the other man may see. All of these questions have been asked for centuries, and the truth is that they may never be answered.
Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012
As you know, Hammond has decided to go electronic next year with the I-Pads. As great and appealing this may sound, it will not be good in the long run. Kids now will be growing up attached and concentrated at looking at a screen instead of their narural surroundings. They will have a loss in social skills with humans and will develop a dependence on technology to do all the thinking for them(think for yourself don't let technology think for you). The reason there were so many great philosophers hundreds and thousands of years ago is because they sat around and thought in depth about issues and wrote out their thoughts. This art has been lost due to everything being so instant and in touch with us. Children need to learn skills with their hands and natural resources that were put on this earth, not a machine. You can always lose, break, or not have an I-Pad, but you will always have your most valuable tool in life, your brain. Our society may be advancing technological but not really anyway else. We are still having the same problems that people had thousands of years ago, such as ways of government and religous dispute. This "Great Idea" is going to slowly decrease the art of human thought and create a society of technological dependence.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Saving Private Ryan
This movie unveils what it really was like to be part of WWII and all its' destruction it brought. It is truly sad to see how many men sufferred and died, and the things that were done to these young men. It showed me how great it is to live in a country where we have men that will and have fought to the death to protect our freedom, liberty, and our country, and I honor them for that. This movie also inluenced me to learn more about our country and what makes it so great and different than any other.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929- April 4, 1968) was a significant leader in the civil rights movement in the mid 1900's, in the United States and around the world. His methods were based off the teachings of Gandhi, using peace and non-viollence as a base for his teachings. King would become on as one of the most influential icons in American history.
King has inspired me to have a heart of peace, equality, civil liberties, and freedom. He has had much influence on me that all men and women are born with God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness. No power or person should be able to take away those freedoms, and you are bound to revolt if they are attempted to do so. This is why I am also a fan of Rosa Parks, as she fought for these unalieable rights and freedoms. This why I admire these civil rights leaders for sticking up for what they beleive. No matter what race, religion, or origin you come from, you are embedded with the rights of life, libery and the pursuit of hapiness, and you should pursue what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
King has inspired me to have a heart of peace, equality, civil liberties, and freedom. He has had much influence on me that all men and women are born with God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness. No power or person should be able to take away those freedoms, and you are bound to revolt if they are attempted to do so. This is why I am also a fan of Rosa Parks, as she fought for these unalieable rights and freedoms. This why I admire these civil rights leaders for sticking up for what they beleive. No matter what race, religion, or origin you come from, you are embedded with the rights of life, libery and the pursuit of hapiness, and you should pursue what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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