Ronald Ernest Paul (Ron Paul) is running for President of the United States for 2012. Ron is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania but represents Texas's 14th Congressional District as Congressman. He graduated from Gettysburg College and Duke University School of Medicine. He also served as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force from 1963 to 1968, delivering over 4,000 babies.
Ron is considered the "Intellectual Godfather" of the Tea Party Movement. He is known mostly for his libertarian ideas of limitation of government, less regulations, lower taxes, free market, and is a strict Constitutionalist. He is considered by some a rebel because of his ideas for change in the government, even though all he wants is freedoms and civil leberties back in America. He is also the author of many books such as, Revolution; A Manifesto, End the Fed, Liberty Defined, Challenge to Liberty, and The Case For Gold. He believes very strongly that Americans are independent and do not need Big Brother to interfere with our lives or protect us from ourselves. With all the mess Mr. Obama has gotten us into, I encourage you all to go out and vote for Ron Paul, to get America back in order, so we can have our freedoms back. JOIN THE REVOLUTION NOW!!!!!!