Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929- April 4, 1968) was a significant leader in the civil rights movement in the mid 1900's, in the United States and around the world. His methods were based off the teachings of Gandhi, using peace and non-viollence as a base for his teachings. King would become on as one of the most influential icons in American history.
King has inspired me to have a heart of peace, equality, civil liberties, and freedom. He has had much influence on me that all men and women are born with God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness. No power or person should be able to take away those freedoms, and you are bound to revolt if they are attempted to do so. This is why I am also a fan of Rosa Parks, as she fought for these unalieable rights and freedoms. This why I admire these civil rights leaders for sticking up for what they beleive. No matter what race, religion, or origin you come from, you are embedded with the rights of life, libery and the pursuit of hapiness, and you should pursue what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.