Monday, March 5, 2012


As you know, Hammond has decided to go electronic next year with the  I-Pads. As great and appealing this may sound, it will not be good in the long run. Kids now will be growing up attached and concentrated at looking at a screen instead of their narural surroundings. They will have a loss in social skills with humans and will develop a dependence on technology to do all the thinking for them(think for yourself don't let technology think for you). The reason there were so many great philosophers hundreds and thousands of years ago is because they sat around and thought in depth about issues and wrote out their thoughts. This art has been lost due to everything being so instant and in touch with us. Children need to learn skills with their hands and natural resources that were put on this earth, not a machine. You can always lose, break, or not have an I-Pad, but you will always have your most valuable tool in life, your brain. Our society may be advancing technological but not really anyway else. We are still having the same problems that people had thousands of years ago, such as ways of government and religous dispute. This "Great Idea" is going to slowly decrease the art of human thought and create a society of technological dependence.