Friday, May 4, 2012

Way of Living

     I just whated to talk a little more about the human's approach to everyday life. This is an interesting concept that brings all sorts of thoughts like why am
I even sitting in a place with a bunch of homo-homosapiens writing about this on this technological device that you are probably looking at too. Every decision we make shows our character and is a reflection of our personality. Everyone develops a guiding means that they live by because they think it is either right, moral, or just what everyone else does. Humans have adapted a way of living and have created this " daily schedule" that you are supposed to live by in order to be considered a normal person. You mainly develop your character and way of living based on your surroundings. Since most are only exposed to humans their whole life then they just follow their action and the process continues for the next generations. "The Way of Living" is a human way to identify how one approaches their everyday lives. This human created lifestyle may or may not be the true way to live, but it is just what has become accustomed to us. Usually people grow up in a household, go to a school, then another school, have some fun here and there, get a job, work for a while, retire, then there physical body departs. Now I am not saying this is nessacarily a bad way of living but is just interesting to think about how this approach of daily life came into swing.

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